Can I Pick Cherry Tomatoes When They Are Green?

One of the most rewarding moments when you grow tomatoes is the moment when you taste the first ripen tomato. When you feel that delicious, juicy tomato flavor, you realise what you are working for when you take so much care of your tomato plants.

There are so many different types of tomatoes on the market, and sometimes is difficult to choose from, but most of the gardens have at least one plant of cherry tomatoes.

pick cherry tomatoes green

Cherry tomatoes are popular because they are very tasty and can be eaten in salads and as a snack also. Usually, cherry tomatoes mature quicker than the bigger types of tomatoes.

However, some fruits might mature later in the season and they cannot ripen anymore. So, what do we do with the green cherry tomatoes? Shall we pick them?

This article will answer your questions about the best time to pick cherry tomatoes, how to ripen them if picked green and how to use the green tomatoes.

Best Time to Pick Cherry Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the only fruits which can be picked before they ripen. When a tomato is fully formed, inside of it will change two growth hormones. These will cause the production of a gas (Ethylene gas).

Ethylene gas ages the cells of the tomato fruits. This ageing results in the softening of the tomatoes, and the loss of the green color. This green color turns into red (or whatever other color that has the specific variety).

In other words: ethylene gas increases the carotenoids, which are the red and yellow colors, and decreases the chlorophyll, so, the green color.

Picking tomatoes at the right time can prevent splitting or pest attacks.

If you pick the tomato too early (before their mature green stage), it can still ripen, but you will compromise its full flavor.

So, you should look for the first light blush of color change (from green to slightly yellow or pinkish) as an indicator that the tomato fruit is matured.

However, you can also wait until the fruit becomes fully red, or the other expected color. But don’t wait for too long, as it can become too soft and change its flavor also.

When the tomato is fully ripened, it will come off the stem with a gentle twist move. Harvesting them with the stem keeps them fresh for longer.

Green Cherry Tomatoes Taste

The taste of the green cherry tomatoes is different from the ripening tomatoes.

Ripen tomatoes are soft and have juicy flesh and a balance of sweet, sour and savory flavor.

Green tomatoes, on the other hand, are firm to the touch and not so juicy as the ripen ones. Their taste is sour to the point of astringency.

Green tomatoes are not the best to eat them as they are, freshly picked, but they can be very delicious when cooked or pickled.

How Do You Ripen Green Cherry Tomatoes?

Mature green tomatoes can be ripened very easily, and will not lose their flavor.

Usually, it is advised that you do this inside because there are no temperature changes and no pests to harm your tomato fruits.

After picking the green tomatoes, you should clean them from any dirt and dry them, because you don’t want mold to form or rotting fruits. It is best to pick them with the stem because they tend to ripen best with them on, and will stay fresh for longer.

You should never put tomatoes in the refrigerator, especially the green tomatoes which you want to ripen. These will never ripen, and the red tomatoes will lose their flavor.

If your tomato fruits are green, it is best to put them in a paper bag or a cardboard box. Add a ripe banana or an apple, so these will speed the ripening up. Try to place the tomatoes in a way that they don’t touch each other. Like this, you can prevent rotting and mold.

Close the box or paper bag, and place them in a warm location of your house, but not too hot because that can cause rotting.

You should check the tomatoes every day to prevent any rot or mold and remove if there is any damaged fruit.

Another way to ripen tomatoes is to place them on the window sill. This approach is best when the tomatoes are a bit colored already. The sunlight will help them ripen quickly. You should check daily for any ripen or rotten fruits.

Some gardeners use the upside-down method where they pull out the entire plant from the ground and they are hanging it upside down indoors. The plant, while alive, will send all its energy to the fruits to ripen them. Before hanging it, you should shake off as much soil off the roots, as possible. You should check for ripening fruits every day.

Using Green Cherry Tomatoes

No one likes the idea of wasting food. Especially that food which you have been working for.

But don’t worry. If the weather is getting colder and the tomato season is coming to an end, but you still have plenty of unripened tomatoes, you can use them in many ways.

I usually pickle the green cherry tomatoes because they are small and so tasty when in vinegar brine! Are absolutely delicious in cocktails as well, instead of olives.

You can also make a jam of them. They are not full of flavor, but enough sugar and some ginger, citrus peel or some chilli can make wonders. Green cherry tomato jam is a unique savory-sweet delicacy.

Green tomatoes can be used in other dishes as well. You can fill a pie with them, bake them as a casserole, put them in sauces or stew.

You can use green cherry tomatoes just like the ripen ones. There are so many recipes that you can follow and have great dinners.

Wrap Up

If you’ve been wondering whether you can pick your cherry tomatoes while they are green, now you have the answer.

Yes, you can pick them, but for best results and taste, wait until they are mature green.

If you see that the tomatoes are starting to change their color, but you can’t wait until it gets red, because you leave on a trip, for instance, you can pick them and put them in a paper bag. They will ripen in a few days and they’ll be ready to eat.


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